Tuesday, April 15, 2025
Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium, 7 p.m.
What Does It Mean to Be a Human Translator in the Age of AI?
Amélie Josselin-Leray, University of Toulouse
The advent of generative AI in the last two years has been considered as a matter of considerable concern in the field of language-related trades, and in particular in the field of translation and interpreting: will AI take over the jobs of translators and interpreters? In this presentation, Josselin-Leray will argue in favor of an even more pressing need to train future translators and show how the way to train translators has evolved in the last two decades, based on her 17-year-long experience as a trainer in a programme belonging to the EMT (European Master’s programmes in Translation) network, under the umbrella of the Directorate General for Translation at the European Commission. Over the last few decades, translators have been successively faced with new technologies such as Computer-Assisted Tools (also called translation memories) or Neural Machine Translation. Now they have to face Large Language Models (LLMs). To be able to integrate successfully the labour market which is more and more highly technologized, young language professionals thus need to acquire specific skills (post-editing, writing effective AI Read more